SELL LIKE CRAZY is not only a guide to a successful career in professional selling but a personal guide to a successful life as well It is literally every salesperson's dream of a step by step formula for achieving extraordinary success, both professionally and personally, from a career in sales The SELL LIKE CRAZY formula works and it's results are ожжус real You will learn proven and effective strategies for goal setting, time management, the art of negotiation, prospecting for clients, making the sale, creating the proper attitude and confidence as well as every other aspect of marketing and selling your way to fame and fortune Phil Kreider will show you how you can quickly and easily begin using your current sales career (or perhaps new one) as the perfect vehicle for reaching your goals and becoming the person and the salesperson you've always dreamed of It's never too late to sell like crazy. Berceus2010 г Мягкая обложка, 358 стр ISBN 1451519192.